What We Do

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What We Do

Welcome to the new CSS Designs blog! We thought we’d take this first post to share a little about what we do, how we do it, and what to expect from us if you choose to work with our team here!


Establishing a brand is one of the most important steps to establishing your business. Our brand checklist is one of the first things that we’ll have you fill out. It’s actually available to check out for free on our website if you want to be ahead of the game! This questionnaire is an easy way for us to get the first impression of not only what your business does, but about you as an individual. We will also ask you some aesthetic questions about color schemes, logo ideas, and get you to link us a Pinterest board of other logos you admire.

The next step in the process is figuring out your brand pillars! We’ve found that having five pillars works the best. These headers will be your mission, values, purpose, personality, and promotion of you and your business. Underneath each, you can add as many subtopics pertaining to your headers as you’d like. This is an important tool that helps us understand your goals better and has the added benefit of being a living document you can look back on if you need some inspiration at any time in the future!

Once we get an idea of what you’re looking for in your branding, we can get into the process of creating your logo, which serves as a stamp on your business. We will communicate with you through Zoom, emails, and our client portal on ClickUp where all of our documents and ideas will be consolidated for ease of access. Communication is a cornerstone of our business, so we strive for a quick, clear, concise, coordinated effort to achieve your goals within a deadline. You will also be asked to do a bit of “homework,” making edits and critiques so we can build the perfect brand to represent your company.

After we’ve developed your brand, we can start working on a website! We offer services to either revamp your existing website or build you a new one. Your main points of communication will be through Chase, our founder, CEO, and head designer and Cat, who coordinates verbiage and offers social media help if needed. This is a completely collaborative effort to determine the look, feel, content, and tone that you feel your website should convey. We’ve found that people buy from people, and we want your personality to shine through your site. We'll go through color schemes, font, wording, and pictures that best represent your brand. Once we have our base, we will continue to tweak the website until we’re ready to launch!

We work best on a deadline, so establishing that and making a promise to each other to stick to it is integral to working with us! We want to get your path to success started as soon as possible, so knowing the timeframe we can dedicate just to you ensures the quality of our services and the integrity of your brand. If you find yourself needing a bit more help after you launch, we can have a conversation about continuing services like social media graphics, Instagram captions, and business coaching availability.

We’re proud of the work we do here at CSS Designs! We’re a small business that’s driven by the hard-working women behind it. We don’t make promises we can’t keep, and we communicate with you every step of the way. Your success is our success, and we want to build you the perfect product to showcase how unique you and your business are! If you think we can help you with anything, please reach out to us through the Contact page on our website. We’re always standing by to answer any questions you may have and guide you through our process. We look forward to working with you!


Chase & The CSS Designs Team

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