Life Updates: Part 1

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Life Updates: Part 1
How is your 2022 going?
A little insight on my world right now, things are booked and busy - in all aspects of life... and I wouldn't want it any other way! Officially taking on new clients, new projects, and exploring uncharted waters, the start of Q1 is one of my favorite times of the year. Follow along in this two part series to hear about some of my projects from beginning to end! 
To start, CSS is booking up QUICK for Q1. Not only are we beginning to shift our clientele but we are expanding the business as well! Answering inquiries left and right, 2022 seems like it's going to be a year of new beginnings for a lot of companies. (including ours!)
Outside of the business, since I love to load myself with 1,000 projects, we are in the midst of painting the outside of our house! Shhh, Ross is on a trip right now, and I wanted to surprise him when he gets back. You know when you're at that point of staring at 6 different shades of white and they're all starting to look the same? Well, that's where I'm at, so I called an interior designer. Normally I'd say I have great taste and enjoy decorating my home on my own, but this larger project had me stumped - and I want to make the right decision. After realizing I can't paint the framing of my double-paned windows, I've found another obstacle I need to overcome in this project. We plan to remove the boarding on the outside of our Tudor style home and we are thinking of adding stucco or siding. Lots of big decisions to make, so stay tuned...
Last but certainly not least, an update on Sawyer; Our little man is almost 5 months. His newest tricks are sitting up and lots of smiling. Next week we will start introducing foods to him... where did my little boy go?! I have and will continue to soak up every moment I get to spend with him, and it still is just going too quick!
I'd love to continue to do more life updates and create a series on my next big project this year. Who knows, it might be sooner than you think! I've already been challenged in the workplace and home life this year, and I can not wait to watch the growth in all aspects of my life after it.
If you're interested in getting to know more about me, or the CSS business, schedule a call here and we can start planning before Q1 is completely filled. Thanks for following along!
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